Corset making class

We are currently running a corset making class ,the class is 10 weeks long and takes place on a Wednesday morning from 11-1pm.. all materials are provided and the cost of the class is £500…

If you can’t afford it but want to do it and make yourself a corset for summer and have time on your hands why not grab our offer of an exchange for the class. 10days of your time =10 week class.You will be helping to finish stuff sewing in linings and restoring old garments that look a little sad !

Some sewing skill is necessary !

About the classes:

You will make a corset for yourself or for someone else …firstly we find the shape that works for you then you get your pattern cut out your fabric ,2 layers of coutil ,your spiral wire boning and steel continuous for the back .We will show you how we make corsets and you can take them through to the flocking on the boning and the lining .

Et Voila have yourself a corset for summertime !